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  • 发布时间:2014-08-20

Cleanliness of machine tool in its whole life cycleMA Jialu,LONG Xingyuan(Shaanxi Qinchuan Machine Tool&Group Co.,Ltd.,Bali 721009,CHN)Abstrac:At the critical moment while China machine tool industry is growing from a great nation to a powerful na-tion,it is necessary to make an application of extending the cleanliness into its whole life cycle of ma-chine tools,not only manufacturing but also working.It should also be known that cleanliness is a built- in atribute of machine tools.In this paper,the author describes the concept and classification of clean-liness and its inspection,the methods for geting cleanliness in diferent steps,as well as cleaning andprotecting.In addition,several important concepts of machine tool cleaning and the importance of dust-prooving and sealing in machine tool design are also discussed。

Keywords:Wooden Barrel Theory ;Whole Life Cycle;Machine Tool Cleanliness;Built- in Attribute of MachineTools;Cleaning;Dust-prooving and Sealing;Environmental Protection1 从木盆理论说起在中国机床工业走上机床制造业大国向机床制造业强国迈进的时刻,人们开始信奉:细节决定-切。木盆理论的广泛讨论就是从这个时刻开始的。在塑料制品大量应用之前,木盆是常用盛水用具。木盆的底板由几块木板拼接,侧面由几块木板围起来,外面用几道铁丝或竹丝编织成箍,形成-个盛水的容器。木盆的侧板,不论宽窄如何,木盆盛水量由最短的-块木板的高度确定。使用中木板被水湿润,稍微膨胀 ,保持箍对木盆的箍紧力,木盆不会散架。作为制作木盆(产品)的匠人,收集足够的木板(零部件及软件),对每-块木板精心制作,把木盆越做越大,越做越高,越做越好,盛水量多而不漏,使用寿命越做越长,让顾客满意,成为顾客眼里的知名品牌,市场的抢手货。

木盆理论可以引导出两个推论:推论 1:如果木盆的-块木板被虫蛀出-个/J,TL,水就会从这个凶中慢慢流走,盛水高度降低,不管这块木板的宽度、高度,也不管它的材质,甚至品牌;推论2:木盆存放环境不适宜或者保养不 良,木板收缩,木板问缝隙不再密合,水会全部流光,甚至木盆散架,不管木盆原先多么精良。

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