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Adaptive noise reduction method based OH S transformLI Xing-hui ,ZHANG Guang-ming ,YIN Jun-xia ,LI Wei-ql-,WU Zhong-an(1.Department of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering,Sichuan Engineering Technical Colege,De yang 618000,Chinal 2.MechanicalDe sign Institute,No.6 Engineering Coporation Limited of CRllG,Xiangyang 441003,China)Abstract:The time-frequency characteristics was brief introduced and a new adaptive noise reductionmethod was presented based on S transform.Employing the high-quality time-frequency distribution ofS transform,an time-frequency filter was designed on the time-frequency plane for extraction of signalcomponent from unstable signal,showing that this method could be used to obtain a satisfactory effect inrespect of noise restraint of the signal and improvement of signal-to-noise ratio.The simulative test of thesignal model and fault diagnosis of gears in gear-box manifested the result of the restraint of the noise andthe extraction of the signal with this method,and the signal-to-noise ratio was improved tO a larger extent。

The result showed that this method could be used tO extract effectively the fault feature of the gears and e-liminate the influence of the false components,SO that the accuracy of fault diagnosis of the gears was im-proved。

Key words:S transform;fault diagnosis;de-noising;time-frequency filter齿轮箱传动机构是机械设备中最常用的传动机构,它被广泛地应用于各类机械设备的运动和动力传递中.由于设备所处的环境复杂,故障特征往往被噪声淹没,难以准确判断其故障,需要采用有效的时频分析信号处理方法分离和提取.作为-种在短时傅里叶变换(STFT)和小波变换基础上发展起来的新时频分析方法,S变换已开始用来分析振动信号,如地震[ 引、机械工程[3-4]、雷达[ 等领域,并取得-定的研究成果。

近年来,多数专家学者基本是根据瞬时频率的收稿 日期:2012-06-27作者简介:李兴慧(19830,女,河南通许人,助教统计特征,确定滤波器带宽的,但这些方法都将能量较小的信号滤去而保留较强的信号,容易出现截波现象.本文结合文献E7]的小波降噪方法,并根据 S变换后有效信号和噪声信号在时频平面上的分布特征,构造了时频滤波器,用它对含高斯白噪声的非平稳信号进行滤波,以达到突出有效信号和压制噪声的效果,

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