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Discussion in Rationality of Transmission Mode in Dynamic Fatigue Testing MachingZHu Muzhi.ZHAO Shengdun(Meehnical Engineering Colege,Xian Jiaotong University,Xian Shaanxi 710049,China)Abstract:Since modern industry has proposed higher and higher requirement for functional reliability of the machine parts,theequipment used in fatigue and reliability testing with mass production is increasingly demanded. The present dynamic fatigue testingmachine of middle and high grade is mainly depended on import,SO it is imminent to develop the dynamic fatigu e testing machine withindependent intellectual property rights. The type,basic working principle,structure composition and achieved function in need ofdynam ic fatigue testing machine were introduced,and the stucture and印 plicable scope about the electro-hydraulic servo type and theelectromagnetic resonance type,which were two kinds of typical fatigu e testing machine were discussed mainly.Th e comprehensivecomparison between the electro hydraulic servo type and the electromagnetic resonance type of the advantages and disadvantages waspresented,and explicitly points out that this kind of dynamic fatigue testing machine drived by AC servo motor directly wil become themain direction of development in the future。

Keywords:Dynamic fatigue testing machine;Electro-hydraulic servo system;Electromagnetic resonance device;AC servo motor实际的生产生活中,许多装备都受到疲劳破坏的影响,大多数机械产品在工作过程中承受着交变载荷。据统计,汽车零部件的破坏中85%是属于疲劳破坏,而在航空、航天领域,60%-80%的断裂是属于疲劳破坏。而疲劳问题不仅出现在航空、航天、运输等部门,在核工业、能源、土木工程等几乎所有的工程领域都存在疲劳问题。

疲劳试验机是用于检测材料、零部件、构件和结构疲劳性能的仪器设备,是材料行业和各级质检部门对材料性能检测最常用且最重要的设备之-。它被广泛应于用工矿企业、计量、学校的现惩实验室,其应用领域涉及机械、冶金、建筑、航空、航天、军工、交通、质检、计量、教育、医疗等各行业。而从结构强度和寿命设计技术的角度看,更新传统试验设备、探索新试验方法的研究亟待加 。



动态试验机是在静态试验机的基础上发展起来的,它是为模拟材料或工件的实际工作状况而设计的。因为机械工程中的各种零部件绝大部分都承受着动态负荷,其破坏的机制与各种动负荷有关,所以用动态试验测试出的数据比起静态试验测试,其结果更为可靠,也更能保障安全。20世纪50年代末美国发收稿日期:2012-06-29基金项目:国家04重大科技专项 (2012ZX04004021)作者简介:朱牧之 (1989-),硕士研究生,主要研究方向为电液伺服、插装阀。E-mail:zhumuzhi1021###126.con。

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