
Creo 2.0 M010 crack

  • 该文件为zip格式
  • 文件大小:0.96MB
  • 浏览次数
  • 发布时间:2013-01-08


creo2.0破解文件!. Open ptclicfile.dat with any txt-editor and replace every occurrence of 00-00-00-00-00-00 with you network
card MAC-address (shown in the bottom left corner of the Creo setup)
2. Install Creo 1.0 (2.0) Mxxx 32/64bit (Parametric, Direct, Simulate, Distributed Services Manager) using
ptclicfile.dat as node-locked license (no Server running)
3. Run PTCCreoPatcherSSQ.exe
ATTENTION! On Vista/Win7 you mast run it as Administrator! (right mouse click > run as Administrator)
4. Click Look For..
5. For Creo Parametric, Direct or Simulate browse to
(by default C:Program FilesPTCCreo 1.0(2.0)Common FilesMxxx) and click Look For..
6. Be sure that youve got a right path in Program Directory tab
Click Start
7. Wait for window All files seem to be patched. Enjoy!
Click OK
8. For Creo Distributed Services Manager browse to directory>
(by default C:Program FilesPTCCreo 1.0(2.0)Creo Distributed Services Manager ) and click Lo

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