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  • 发布时间:2014-03-06


In practical work, the local vibration of diesel engine parts is often a big headache problem. It is entirely possible for a diesel engine to meet its vibration characteristics within the design and specification requirements, the strength of its main compo- nents is reliable and they are not be damaged, but accidents would often occur,such as shattering brackets,vibrating off oil and wa- ter pipes, damaging shafts and so on.This local vibration would make a loud mechanical noise. Combined with the related methods this paper, proposes methods and measures for controling the local vibration in the actual work and it also studies the causes and law of the diesel engine' s mechanical vibration and the impact of the vibration on machines and structures, in order to seek out meth- ods which are used to control and eliminate the vibration and noise.在实际工作中,柴油机零部件的局部振动往往是使人感到非常头疼的大问题.一台柴油机完全有可能其主要振动特性是满足设计以及规范要求的,其主要零部件的强度也都可靠,不会损坏,但却事故不断,经常发生支架振裂,油、水管振断,某些泵轴破损等事故,以及产生噪声,这些都是由局部振动引起的.结合实际工作中采取的有关方法,提出控制局部振动和噪声的方法、措施.研究了柴油机机械振动产生的原因和规律,研究振动对机器和结构的影响,以寻求控制和消除振动噪声的方法.

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