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For the designed 16 tons of C-type presses structure, the finite element software is used to analyze the working state of the whole presses structure under the maximum operation condition, then the mechanical properties of the whole structure under this state can be obtained. In this case, the stiffness and strength of the presses structure can be checked. The calculation results of the finite ele- ment software are used to optimize the presses structure. Based on the optimized design model, the multi-state press-fit experiments of press machine are simulated, and the vertical press-fit displace- ment curves of press machine under multiple loads are acquired. The method of fitting is applied to fit- ting the collected data, and then the press-fit displacement curves of the 16 tons of C-type presses structure under working state can be got approximately. The press-fit displacement curves obtained are used to correct the press-fit trip of press machine and improve the accuracy of press fitting.文章针对已设计完成的16tC型压力机结构,利用有限元软件对压力机整机进行最大工况下的工作状态的模拟,得出该状态下压力机整机的力学性能,以校核该压力机的刚度与强度。采用计算机数值模拟结果对压力机结构进行优化。针对优化之后的设计模型,模拟多工况压力机的压装实验,采集多个荷载下压力机竖向压装的位移数据。利用数据拟合的方法对采集的数据进行拟合,近似得出16tC型压力机工作时的压装位移曲线。利用获得的压装位移曲线,修正压力机压装行程,提高压装精度。

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