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  • 发布时间:2014-03-06


In order to improve dynamic performance and reduce the vibration produced by high-speed industrial sewing machine,a method of dynamic balance and optimization was applied to improve the key mechanisms,the puncturing and stirring mechanism,of the sewing machine.A dynamic model of puncturing and stirring mechanism was built in the dynamic simulation of mechanical system.The sensitivity of each variable on the analysis target-RMS of the vibration force and vibration moment was analyzed.Response surface approximate models,which express the approximate relationship between the design parameters and the analysis target,were established and verified.The reasonable values for weight coefficients were assigned and confirmed to build the optimal mathematical model.The optimization of sewing machine was carried out by means of optimizing parameters,such as mass and placement of the mass centroid of mechanism,based on MIGA.The vibration force and vibration moment of the puncturing and stirring mechanism were significantly improved after optimization.The optimization results indicate that these methods have high accuracy and validity,which has reference value for solving the vibration and noise of complex mechanical systems such as high-speed industrial sewing machine.为改善高速工业平缝机的动态性能,降低其振动响应,对其关键机构――刺布挑线机构进行动平衡优化.建立了该机构的动力学模型,以振动力和振动力矩的均方根值为分析目标,考察设计变量对分析目标的灵敏度.基于最优拉丁超立方的试验设计建立分析目标的响应面模型并进行可靠性验证,选择合适的权重系数,建立优化数学模型.采用多岛遗传算法,通过改变构件的质心坐标位置及质量等参数对机构进行优化.优化后机构振动力和振动力矩等有明显改善,表明该方法具有较高的精确性与有效性,对改善如高速平缝机等复杂机械系统的动态特性有一定的参考价值.

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