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  • 发布时间:2014-03-07


Finite element model of a railway freight tread brake system was established with software when imposing friction couplings between the brake pads and wheel treads. The braking ABAQUS finite element stability of the model was analyzed by complex eigenvalue method of ABAQUS finite element software, and the unstable motion modes of the brake system were obtained. The standard deviation of the real part of complex eigenvalue of the unstable modes was calculated by a statistical method, and the effect on the tread brake noise of various operating conditions was discussed. The results show that the when the pressure angle between the normal line of pad and horizontal line is changed squeal of the tread brake system is changed too. When the pressure angle is - 10°, the squeal of the is least likely to occur., the possibility of tread brake system建立铁路货车轮对踏面制动系统在制动闸片与轮对踏面摩擦耦合条件下的有限元运动模型,使用ABAQUS有限元软件的复特征值方法对该模型的运动稳定性进行分析,从中识别车轮踏面制动系统不稳定振动的模态,使用统计学方法计算不稳定模态的复特征值实部的标准差,分析各种制动工况对踏面制动噪声的影响。结果表明,当闸瓦压力角发生变化时,制动系统发生制动尖叫噪声的趋势也发生较大的变化。当闸瓦压力角为-10°,轮对踏面制动系统发生制动尖叫噪声的可能性最小。

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