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Aiming at characteristic of hard and brittle material processing, the method of sapphire abrasive impacting machining was studied, the process of abrasive impacting was simulated, the acoustic system of abrasive impacting processing was designed and analyzed in theory, the parameter design and computational process were given, the basic dimension parameter of components were calculated, and model analysis was made with CAE software. According to theoretical calculation and analysis result, the transducer and solid horn that the resonant frequency is 20 kHz were manufactured, as well as tool. The resonant frequency of acoustic system was measured by HP4294A impedance analyzer,and it's less 0.019 452 kHz than ideal one and satisfied with design and application requirement. The test specimen with assembled acoustic system was manufactured. Test results indicate that the developed acoustic system can increase machining accuracy and improve surface quality.针对蓝宝石等硬脆材料难加工的特点,研究了蓝宝石磨料冲击加工方法与加工原理,并进行了磨料冲击加工仿真模拟;从理论上分析、设计了磨料冲击加工声学系统,给出了参数设计和计算过程,得出了声学部件的基本尺寸和参数,并用有限元软件ANSYS对声学系统进行了模态分析。根据理论计算参数和分析结果,制造了20kHz换能器、阶梯型变幅杆和工具头。采用HP4294A阻抗分析仪测量了声学系统的谐振频率,利用装配好的声学系统进行了试样加工。测量结果表明,与理想谐振频率相差0.019452kHz,符合设计、使用要求;研究结果表明,所研制的声学系统能够提高加工精度,改善产品表面质量。

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