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  • 发布时间:2014-03-07


Aiming at the intensive computation of kinematics module exist in the real-time control of the industrial robot, inverse kinematic solutions of vertical-six-joint industrial robot were calculated and analyzed. Then, an algorithm of searching the proper inverse kinematic so- lution was presented based on the characteristics of the solutions and the geometric structure of the robot. After that, the curve interpolation algorithm in cartesian coordinates was discussed. In order to make the robot easier to be used, the arbitrary user coordinates was built and the gesture rotation representation was presented. The algorithms were applied to a 6R manipulator in the laboratory to verify the effective- ness of the proposed algorithms. The results indicate that the algorithm can make the robotic joints move smoothly and avoid mutation when the robot is running, especially in the process of curve interpolation. The algorithms can make the motion of robot smoother and more accu- rate.针对工业机器人实时控制中存在的运动学模块计算量大的问题,以垂直六关节工业机器人为研究对象,在建立其逆运动学逆解求解模型的基础上,根据机器人几何结构及解的特点,提出了一种逆解优化搜索算法。提出了在笛卡尔坐标空间对位置和姿态进行综合插补的算法;为了方便客户使用,给出了用户任意坐标系的建立方法及姿态的旋转的表示方法;最后,在实验室6R机械手实验平台上验证了该算法的有效性。实验结果表明,该算法可以使机器人在运动过程中,特别是在曲线插补过程中,使机器人各关节平稳变化,避免关节突变,有更高的精度和运行平缓性。

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