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This paper presents the structure and principle of a new lock mechanism and analyzes the key struc ture parameters affecting the performance of the new lock mechanism. Stability of lock state are maintained by the resilience of compression spring, stability of unlock state are maintained by the resilience moment of doub le torsion spring. Prototype test demonstrates that the autolock performance of the lock mechanism is stable and reliable. Finally, a typical application instance is given. This lock mechanism can be widely used in modern fastmobile ground radars to effectively enhance the performance of automatic up and down. It is an impor tant method for improving radar maneuverability.介绍了一种新型锁紧装置的结构和工作原理,对影响该装置性能的关键参数进行了详细分析。该装置借助压簧的恢复力保持锁紧状态稳定,借助双扭簧的恢复力矩保持解锁状态稳定。通过样机试验验证了该锁紧装置自锁性能稳定可靠,最后给出了一个典型应用实例。该锁紧装置可广泛应用于现代地面高机动雷达,有效提高雷达的自动架设和撤收性能,是提高雷达机动性能的重要手段。

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