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Based on the analogy between a solid unit and an R-L-C circuit, the static-kinetic transition process within friction pairs was demonstrated by both mechanical and electrical simulations. It turns out that the dynamic response hard- ening (DRH) results in the difference between kinetic and static friction. Because of DRH, the stiffness at contact region varies with variation of velocity and acceleration. The contact regions become harder during motion, and the two surfaces are separated, resulting in a decrease in contact area; on the contrary, the stiffness is smaller when at rest and two sur- faces get closer, thus the contact area is increased. The former is the cause of friction decreasing with the increase of speed; the latter is the cause of friction increasing with the increase of the rest period.组成固体的一个小单元含质量、弹性和阻尼,它和R―L―C电路单元的行为规律有相似性。基于这一特性,运用力学和电学模拟摩擦副内静-动过渡过程。研究结果表明摩擦副接触区动力响应硬化是导致静一动摩擦力差异的起因。由于动力响应硬化,摩擦副接触区接触刚度随运动速度和加速度而变化,在运动时接触刚度变大,接触区分离而导致接触面积减小;在静态时接触刚度变小,接触区靠拢而接触面积增大。前者是摩擦随滑动速度增加而减小的原因;后者是摩擦随相对静止持续时间增加而增加的起因。

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