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  • 发布时间:2014-03-10


The thermal expansion and contraction of the metal material is the fundamental causes of thermal error. The traditional thermal error compensation method is based on real -time temperature of machine, forecasts the appearance time and size of the error, controls the position of the tool to compensate. The traditional method has some defects such as being delayed. This paper imagines that we make negative thermal expansion materials as a tool, and unites out the negative deformation obtainedby finite element analysis with machine tool - workpiece position error by using simultaneous regression method to reduce processing errors. The results are expected to provide a new approach to thermal error expansion of machining parts.金属材料的热胀冷缩性是机床热误差的根本来源。传统热误差补偿方法是根据机床实时温度,预测误差的产生时间和大小,控制刀刃的走位进行补偿,该补偿方法存在时间延迟性等缺陷。设想使用负热膨胀材料作为刀架材料,把回归法得到的机床一工件位置误差与有限元分析得到的刀具负变形联立,减小加工误差,为机床热误差补偿方法提供一种新的途径。

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