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  • 发布时间:2014-03-11


Stainless steel bellow expansion joint is an important part of city gas pipelines. In recent years, accidents occurred frequently due to its stress corrosion. Thus, the research on its failure mechanism has practical significance. The residual stresses in the specimens and the expansion juinls were tested based on the X-ray diffraction. Then, the influence of solution treatment on the residual stress was observed. The results showed that, there are uneven residual stresses in peak and trough of expansion joints when there was no solution treatment. And the absolute value of residual tensile stress in the radial is higher than in the circumferential. Residual compressive stress exists in the trough of the joints which is lower than that in the peak. The residual stresses in peaks and troughs will be significantly decreased after solution treatment, and the distribution of residual stress in hellows can be totally decreased. In addition, the direction of residual stress in the radial of the peak is unchanged.不锈钢波纹管膨胀节是城市燃气管道的重要组成部分:近年来由于应力肩蚀破裂引起的事故频繁发生,因此对其失效机理的研究具有较高的实用意义文章基于X射线衍射法对膨胀节的残余应力进行了测试,并观察了固溶处理对残余应力的影响结果表明:未经固溶处理时,波纹管波峰和波谷处均存在残余应力,且分布不均匀,在波峰径向存在残余拉应力,径向应力绝对值高于周向应力绝对值;在波谷处则存在残余压应力,波峰处径向残余应力水平高于波谷处;固溶处理后,波峰和波谷处残余应力绝对值显著明显下降,可改善波纹管的残余应力分布,但在波峰处径向珐余应力方向不变。

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