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  • 发布时间:2014-03-12
The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) device will demonstrate the scientific and technological possibility of commercial fusion energy production in large scale in order to solve the worldwide energy problem in the future. The superconducting magnet system is the key part of the ITER device to supply high magnetic fields for confining the deuterium-tritium plasma. High-quality muhifilament Nb3Sn and NbTi strands have been produced by Western Superconducting Technologies Co. , Ltd. (WST) to meet the specifications of superconducting strands for fabricating poloidal field coils (PF) and toroidal field coils (TF). By internal tin and bronze process, the muhifilamentary Nb3Sn strands with a diameter of 0. 82 mm and a unit length longer than 5 000 m have been successfully fabricated. The non-Cu Ic ( 12 T, 4.2 K) value above 190 A has been obtained. The n-value of Nb3Sn strands is larger than 25 and the hysteresis loss is less than 500 mJ/cm3 (4.2 K, ±3 T). NbTi strands with 2 600 filaments have been obtained by a conventional process, with Ic of 360 A (4.2 K, 5 T). The proposed process could be used for fabrication of long strands with a unit length more than 10 000 m. The n-value of NbTi strands is larger than 30 A and the hysteresis loss is less than 45 mJ/cm3 (4.2 K,±3 T). The results indicate that the properties of NbTi and Nb3Sn strands have already met the specifications proposed by the ITER program. The key technologies for fabrication of high performance Nb3 Sn and NbTi have been ob- tained and the industrial productions of superconducting wire have been achieved.国际热核聚变实验反应堆(ITER)是目前全球最大的国际合作研究项目。该计划将首次建造可实现大规模聚变反应的聚变实验室。研究解决核聚变关键技术难题,是人类实现受控热核聚变研究走向实用化关键的步骤。由低温超导线材绕制的磁体系统是ITER装置的核心部件。我们通过开展Nb3sn及NbTi超导线批量化制备技术的研究,掌握了纵向场(TF)磁体及极向场(PF)磁体用高性能Nb3Sn及NbTi超导线制备的关键技术。生产出性能达到ITER项目的设计要求的青铜法Nb,sn超导线和内锡法Nh3Sn超导线,单根长度大于5000m,临界电流Ic(4.2K,12T)均大于190A,磁滞损耗小于500mJ/cm3(4.2K,±3T),n值大于25;制备出满足ITER项目要求芯数为2600根的NbTi超导线,单根长度大于10000m,临界电流L值达到360A(4.2K,5T),n值大于30,磁滞损耗值小于45mJ/cm3(4.2K,±3T)的技术指标。
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