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  • 发布时间:2014-03-13


By considering the roughness of continuous cosine wave shape mathematical model of micro thermal elastohydrodynamic lubrication (EHL) on the roll bearing surface, the steady state of emulsion-lubricated roller bearing was established, and the completely numerical solution was got by the multiple grid gration method of using multiple elastic deformation. The influences of the ro method of using pressure and the grid inte- ughness amplitude and wavelength on the emulsion film pressure and film thickness were analyzed. The numerical results show that the rough peak has great influence on the emulsion film pressure and film thickness of roll bearing. After considering the influence of roughness, the emulsion film pressure has obvious oscillation and the maximum pressure is increased, while the film thickness oscillates and has a significant thinning.考虑轧辊轴承表面的连续余弦波状粗糙度,建立乳化液润滑轧辊轴承的微观稳态热弹流模型,利用压力求解的多重网格法和弹性变形求解的多重网格积分法得到其完全数值解,分析粗糙度幅值和波长对乳化液润滑膜压力与膜厚的影响。数值结果表明,粗糙峰对轧辊轴承的乳化液膜压力和膜厚有较大影响,考虑粗糙度后,乳化液膜压力振荡明显增大,最高压力增大,而膜厚振荡并明显变薄。

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