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  • 发布时间:2014-03-14


According to the structure parameters of diesel engine lubrication system, crankshaft operation parameters and the main bearing, connecting rod bearing and cam bearing' s roughness, this paper calculates the minimum oil film thickness which meets the fluid lubrication requirements of all bearings. In order to prevent the diesel engine lubrication system from resulting in gas resistance phenomena and supply enough lubricating oil to the fdction pair, it also calculates the minimum safety pressure of the lubricating oil to meet the diesel engine accirding to its structure and estalishes its lubrication system simulation model through the mechanical hydraulic simulaition software. Under the conditions of meeting each bearing minimal oil film thickness of its lubrication system and minimum safety oil pressure of the oil routes and through the simulation fo the diesel engine ,the best oU pump is obtained..根据柴油机润滑系统结构参数和柴油机运行参数及曲轴主轴承、连杆轴承和凸轮轴承各处粗糙度计算出满足各轴承呈流体润滑所需最小油膜厚度。为了保证柴油机润滑油路不产生气阻现象,能对各摩擦副提供足够的润滑油,通过柴油机的结构参数计算出了满足本款柴油机润滑系统的最小安全油压。通过机械液压仿真软件搭建本款柴油机的润滑系统仿真模型,在满足本款柴油机润滑系统中各轴承最小油膜厚度和油路最小安全油压的条件下。通过仿真得出了本款柴油机的最佳机油泵。

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