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  • 发布时间:2014-03-15


Nondestructive testing of reliability has been paid increasing attention. In terms of relationship between nondestruc- tive testing probability of detection (POD) and reliability of pipeline, this paper conducted a study and built the quantitative re- lationship between POD and the law of size distribution of disfigurements. Based on the law of size distribution of disfigure- ments, according to conventional assessment methods of planar disfigurements in GB/T 19624--2004 and the theory of Monte Carlo, a new method was proposed which makes safety assessment with MATLAB software available. This safety assessment is an analysis of reliability based on the size distribution parameters of disfigurements obtained by POD. It can explore the con- nection of POD with size of disfigurements and reliability of pipeline. Moreover, it can also provide safe operation of pressure pipeline equipment with necessary safeguard.无损检测可靠性日益受到重视,针对无损检测缺陷检出概率(POD)与管道可靠性之间的关系开展研究,建立了缺陷检出概率与缺陷尺寸分布规律的定量关系,以缺陷尺寸分布规律为基础,参照GB/T19624-2004规范中平面缺陷常规评定方法和MonteCarlo理论,提出利用MAT-LAB软件编程实现由缺陷检出概率计算所得缺陷尺寸分布参数进行可靠性分析的安全评定新方法,并利用该方法探求缺陷检出概率和缺陷尺寸与管道结构可靠性的关系,为压力管道设备的安全运行提供必要保障。

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