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  • 发布时间:2014-03-16


The stiffness of hydrostatic guideway is of great importance to the dynamic property of machine tool. In order to en- hance the stiffness and guarantee processing quality, heavy-duty machine usually works at the point between float and non-floating. To- gether with the installation error, the effect of surface roughness and the possible tilt under rotation, the fluid theory may not suitable for this situation. It is of great importance to get the accurate stiffness of hydrostatic guideway to establish the dynamic model of the ma- chine tool. Laser displacement sensors were used to measure the displacement of rotational table under different load. Then the stiffness of hydrostatic guideway was calculated by the definition of stiffness. It provides foundational data for dynamic simulation of the whole machine tool.静压导轨的刚度对机床整机动态性能影响很大。对于重型机床,实际工作中为了提高工作台刚度,保证加工质量,常使工作台处于似浮非浮状态。再加上机床制造安装误差、导轨面之间的粗糙度的影响及工作中可能出现的偏斜,利用流体润滑理论计算得到的刚度常与实际情况有较大出入。准确测出工作台静压导轨刚度对建立精确的机床动力学模型极其重要。利用激光位移传感器,直接测试不同加载情况下工作台的位移,由此计算出工作台的刚度,为整机动力学仿真提供必要的基础数据。

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