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There is friction vibration between the friction disc of constant tester and briquette ,which always can affect the normal use of the testing machine.The cause of friction vibration about constant tester is analyzed,and presenting the concrete measures to reduce the vibration.It is found out that the variation of friction is the main reason of friction vibration. When friction changing frequency is very close to natural fre- quency,there will be resonance from the vibration displacement response formula.Motar vibration,friction disc face runout and external environment is the main influence of friction change.After a series of mea- sures,there is a test for the machine, and the experimental results show that the vibration of the machine significantly weakened,and the end beating error of tester also fully meets the requirements ,which proved that the measurements have a good effect.定速试验机的摩擦盘与试块之间存在摩擦振动,往往会影响该试验机的正常使用。对该摩擦振动产生的机理进行了理论分析,并分析了定速试验机产生振动的原因,给出了减小该振动的具体措施,得出摩擦振动是由摩擦力的不断变化这一主要原因引起的。由系统振动位移响应公式得出,当摩擦力变化频率与系统固有振动频率非常接近时就会出现共振。摩擦力的变化主要是由电机的振动,摩擦盘的端面跳动以及外界环境的影响引起的,基于这些方面,经过一系列措施之后,我们重新进行试验,结果表明定速试验机的振动明显减弱,试验机的端面跳动误差也完全符合要求,我们采取的措施取得了良好的效果。

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