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  • 发布时间:2014-03-18


为了解载荷、摆动角度和循环次数对角接触球轴承微动磨损行为的影响,用自制的轴承微动试验装置对角接触球轴承QJ208在干态下进行了3种摆角(0.88°、1.21°和1.54°)、4种轴向载荷(2.5、5.0、10.0和20.0kN)、2种循环次数(2和12万次)的摆动微动试验,在此基础上,对轴承磨痕进行分析.结果表明:外圈上微动磨损随载荷增大而减缓,随摆角增大而加重,随循环次数的增加,其磨损增幅趋缓;在摆角为0.88°时,磨损机制以疲劳磨损为主,在摆角为1.54°时,则以磨粒磨损为主;在同一钢球接触处,外圈上的磨痕比内圈上的磨痕严重. In order to investigate the fretting wear behavior of angular contact ball bearings under different loads, oscillation angles, and number of cycles, a series of tests for angular contact ball bearings ( Q J208 ) were performed under dry condition on a self-made bearing fretting wear test rig with four axial loads (2.5, 5.0, 10.0, and 20.0 kN), three oscillation angles (0.88°, 1.21°, and 1.54°) and two cycle numbers (2 × 10^4 and 12× 10^4). The fretting wear behavior was analyzed in combination with microscopic examinations on worn scars. The results show that the fretting wear on the outer ring reduces with the increasing load, but increases with the increasing oscillation angle. As the number of cycles increases, the growth rate of wear slows down. In addition, the wear mechanism is dominated by fatigue wear at the oscillation angle of 0.88°, and by abrasive wear at the oscillation angle of 1.54°. For each ball, the wear damage on the outer ring is more serious than that on the inner ring.

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