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  • 发布时间:2014-03-18
为满足机构低耗能、传动效率高、运动平稳等多重要求,针对六连杆冲压机构进行优化设计。通过对六连杆冲压机构工作原理和工作情况的分析,确定设计变量,建立目标函数和约束条件,提出了以驱动曲柄耗功、工作段压力角最大值及加速度绝对值的最大值最小为目标函数,在ADAMS/Insight中应用统一目标线性加权和法,对机构进行了多目标优化设计。仿真结果表明,冲压机构的驱动曲柄耗功经过优化后减小了60.17%,压力角减小了70.25%,加速度绝对值的最大值减小了61.07%;优化效果明显。图7表2参10 In order to meet the requirements of mechanism for low energy consumption, high transmission efficiency, smooth running,a six-bar linkage punch mechanism was optimized designed. By analyzing the six-bar linkage punch mechanism's working theory and working condition, set the designing variables, and built the objective function and the constraint condition, the paper proposed to take the minimum of drive crank power consumption, maximum pressure angle during the working period and maximum acceleration absolute value as target functions, to use the linear weighted sum method of unity target in ADAMS/Insight, and thus to carry out multiobject optimum design for mechanism. The simulation results showed that the drive crank power consumption of punch mechanism is reduced by 60.17% , 70.25% reduction in the pressure angle and 61.07% reduction in maximum acceleration absolute after optimization, the optimal effect is obvious. [ Ch ,7 fig. 2 tab. 10 ref. ]
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