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  • 发布时间:2014-03-19


将空间可展天线的伸展臂等效为含集中质量的双柔性臂系统.将飞行器平台作为双柔性臂系统的支承件,将末端夹持器及装置作为集中质量,利用假设模态法和拉格朗El方程建立了双柔性臂的刚柔耦合动力学模型。采用数值方法求解了双柔性臂的运动学特性和振动特性及其变化规律。结果表明,考虑刚柔耦合效应后,臂的柔性会引起其角速度、角加速度以及振动特性的变化,揭示了天线的伸展臂大范围运动和变形运动的相互耦合,在研究的基础上可进一步实现该柔性臂的优化设计。 The deployable manipulator of aircraft antenna is taken as a two-flexible-manipulator system of integrated mass, the plat- form of aircraft is used as the foot of the two-flexible-manipulator system and the clamper and detecting device of manipulator" is con- sidered as an integrated mass and Lagrange' s Equation and assumed mode method are used to establish the coupling dynamic model of the system. With the help of numerical method,the kinematics and vibration characteristics of the two flexible manipulator system are solved. The results show that the manipulator flexibility gives rise to the change in its angular velocity, acceleration and vibration. The properties of the coupled movement in wide range motions and deformation motions are revealed. Based on the results, the optimal design of the manipulator can be realized.

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