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  • 发布时间:2014-03-19


在实际的机械系统中,由于构件的加工、装配误差和磨损,机构系统中一定会存在误差。误差的存在会影响机械系统的稳定可靠性和运动精度,使得实际机构和理想机构之间存在运动误差。现代机械工业正向着高精度、高速度、高效率的方向发展,如何减小机械系统中的误差是一个关键问题。本文应用曲柄滑块机构为例,提出一种增加一个自由度的方法,把曲柄滑块机构改装成五杆机构,通过控制新增的自由度来减小系统误差的方法。运用开环运动补偿控制和PID闭环控制方法对五杆机构进行控制,从而提高系统的可靠性和运动精度。实验结果表明:所提出的方法能够有效的减小机构系统中的误差,提高了曲柄滑块机构的运动精度。 In the practice of mechanical systems, there definitely exists errors in the mechanical system because of the machining process , assembly errors and wear. The existence of errors has an effect on mechanical system~ stability, reliability and precision, which will cause motion errors between practical mechanism and ideal mechanism. How to diminish errors in the mechanical system is a key issue for modern machinery industry is developing toward the direction of high precision, high speed and high efficiency. This pa- per proposes a method of adding DOF ( Degree of Freedom) by using slider - crank mechanism, that is, by changing slider-crank mech- anism into five-bar mechanism and controlling new DOF, errors in the system can be diminished. By applying the open -loop motion compensation control method and the closed loop control method, the five-bar mechanism can be controlled, and then the system's reli- ability and motion precision can be improved. The results of experiment show that this proposed method can effectively reduce the errors in the mechanical system and therefore improve the motion precision of slider- crank mechanism.

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