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  • 发布时间:2014-03-13
The kinematics error model of Delta parallel robot was established first, and then the geometric errors affecting the precision of the end-effector were analyzed and simplified to 18 ones. By taking a laser tracker as meas- urement tool, a stepping iterative method is proposed to identify the geometric errors. Considering the non-linear mapping from the actuated variables in joint space to the pose of the end-effector in Cartesian space, the geometric errors were iterated by using the residual errors of the distances between every two measuring points as optimization index, and then the kinematic model of the robot was modified. The precision of the end effector is dramatically im- proved to the order of 0.1 mm from 1.0 mm after calibration, thus verifies the effectiveness and generality of this method.以Delta并联机构为研究对象,建立了Delta并联机构的运动学误差模型,对影响其末端精度的几何误差源进行了分析,并指出这些几何误差源可简化为18项.以激光跟踪仪作为测量工具,提出一种步进迭代的误差参数辨识方法,该方法利用Delta并联机构操作空间与关节空间之间的映射关系,通过优化多个检测点相互之间的理论距离与实际距离的残差,计算出Delta并联机构的各项几何误差参数,进而修正Delta并联机构的运动学模型,标定后机构末端精度由1.0,mm数量级提高至0.1,mm数量级,实验结果表明了文中所述方法的有效性和普遍性.
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