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  • 发布时间:2014-03-21


针对目前众多的基于无线传感技术的信号采集系统中缺少专门用于振动信号的采集与处理软件以及基于有线传感器的振动信号监测系统存在的问题,以VisualC++为开发平台,采用面向对象的思想,基于无线传感器网络技术开发了无线传感器振动信号采集与处理系统。该系统集成了振动信号的采集和常用的振动信号处理功能,使得研究人员能够更加方便地进行实验数据的采集以及实时处理。系统开发完成后,在反共振试验台上对该系统进行了测试。测试结果表明:该系统操作简单直观,可以方便地进行信号采集与处理、无线节点参数设置及状态监测等操作。 In the existing signal acquisition systems based on wireless sensing technology,few of them are developed to deal with vibration signal specially.There are a lot of problems existing in the vibration signal monitoring systems based on wired transducer.Taking Visual C+ + as development platform and adopting object-oriented thought,a wireless sensor vibrating signal acquisition and processing system was designed.The system has the functions of vibrating signal acquisition and processing,which enable the researchers to collect the signal and analyze them timely and conveniently.The system was tested on the anti-vibration bench.The test results show that the system is simple and intuitive.The operations of collecting and analyzing signal,setting the parameter of the sensor nodes and monitoring the state of the network can be achieved.

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