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  • 发布时间:2014-03-22


利用冷喷涂技术制备Cu-20%(质量分数)A1203复合涂层,并在氩气保护气氛下对该复合涂层进行300℃、500℃和700℃退火热处理。采用常温干摩擦试验评价热处理对冷喷涂Cu-20%(质量分数)A1203复合涂层耐磨损性能的影响,并利用扫描电镜(SEM)观察涂层表面磨痕形貌。结果表明,复合涂层经退火热处理后发生了再结晶现象,涂层显微硬度降低。冷喷涂态和退火态复合涂层磨损机制不同:冷喷涂态复合涂层和低温退火热处理(300℃和500℃)下复合涂层磨损主要为磨粒磨损,700℃退火态复合涂层主要表现为疲劳磨损。 The Cu-20%Al2O3 composite coating was prepared on a stainless steel substrate by cold spraying. The as-sprayed composite coatings were conducted in an electrical resistance furnace under argon atmosphere at tem- peratures of 300℃ ,500℃ and 700℃ for 3h. The effect of heat treatment on the microstructure, micro-hardness and tribological behavior of the composite coating was investigated. It was found that heat treatment significantly in- fluenced the microstructure, micro-hardness and tribological properties of cold-sprayed Cu-20wt% A12Oa composite coating. An apparent recrystallization of the Cu-20wt% A1203 composite coating was observed and the micro-hardness was evidently decreased. The heat treatment plays an important role in modification of the tribological behavior. For the as-sprayed composite coatings and low temperature annealed composite coatings(300℃ and 500℃), such factors as ploughing and abrasive wear could determine the sliding process. For the annealed coatings, the fatigue wear take a dominant role in the sliding process.

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