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  • 发布时间:2014-03-23


摩擦功耗是评价轴封节能与否的重要指标。利用MMU-2摩擦磨损试验机对3种结构型式轴封即填料密封、机械密封和360度旋转式组合密封的摩擦功耗进行了测定。试验结果表明:3种型式轴封的摩擦功耗随转速的增大而增大,填料密封摩擦功耗最大,机械密封摩擦功耗次之,360度旋转式组合密封摩擦功耗最小;不同材料的填料密封的摩擦功耗不同,碳纤维填料密封和四氟填料密封摩擦功耗基本接近,并且远远低于芳纶填料密封。该结果为正确选择轴封提供了重要的参考依据。 The friction power consumption is an important basis to appraise whether the shaft seal can save energy. On the MMU-2 friction and wear test machine, the friction power consumption of shaft seals in three different types which are packing seal, mechanical seal and 360 degrees rotary combined seal was tested. The results indicate that the friction power consumption of all shaft seals increases with the rotational speed increasing. The friction power consumption of packing seal is the highest, and the friction power consumption of mechanical seal is higher than that of 360 degrees rotary combined seal. The friction power consumption of packing seals of different materials is different from each other. The friction power consumption of carbon fiber packing seal is nearly the same as that of PTFE packing seal and is far lower than that of aramid fiber packing seal. The results provide an important basis to select shaft seal reasonably.

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