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  • 发布时间:2014-03-26


针对压力机冲击力难以直接测量问题,运用反演理论在时域范畴内根据冲击力作用下的响应信号对冲击力进行逆向重构.通过奇异值分解技术对冲击力重构问题的病态机理进行深入分析,采用Tikhonov正则化方法对病态问题进行数值处理以获得稳定解.其中,最优正则化参数分别运用L曲线准则和广义交叉验证(GCV)准则选取.选取实验测量的压力机上下模的应变响应作为重构信号,并将由此获得的冲击力数值重构结果与实验直接测量结果进行比较,验证了运用反演理论对压力机冲击力进行重构的有效性. To overcome the difficulty in directly measuring the impact force of a mechanical press, the inverse theory is employed to reconstruct the impact force from the corresponding response data in time domain. The nature of ill-posedness of impact force reconstruction is explored through singular value decomposition (SVD) and the Tikhonov regularization is utilized to deal with the ill-posedness, in which the optimal parameter is chosen in light of the L-curve criterion and the generalized cross- validation (GCV). The experimentally measured strain responses of upper and lower dies of the press are chosen as source data for impact force reconstruction, and the corresponding numerical results are compared with the experimental measurements, which verifies the effectiveness of the reconstruction method.

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