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  • 发布时间:2014-03-26
以一四边固定矩形板为例,通过实验方法对三种不同的压电分流阻尼技术(RL串联压电分流电路、RL并联压电分流电路以及RL-C并联压电分流电路)的振动控制效果进行分析和比较。实验结果表明,当压电分流电路的参数调节到最优值时,能够有效降低结构振动;RL串联压电分流电路和RL并联压电分流电路的控制效果基本相等;RL―C并联压电分流电路能够降低分流电路中的最优电感值,但是控制效果也随之变差。实验结果还表明压电分流电路对电感值相当敏感,如果电感值偏离最优值,有可能会使得控制效果大幅下降。 With an example of clamped rectangular panel, the vibration control performances of three different types of piezoelectric shunt damping approaches, such as RL series circuit, RL parallel circuit and RL-C circuit, were experimentally analyzed and compared. Experimental results show that the vibration of the structure can be reduced significantly by using these shunt circuits with optimal parameters. Furthermore, it is found that the RL series and RL parallel shunt circuits have the same control performances basically. The RL-C parallel circuit can reduce the value of the inductance L due to the insertion of an external capacitance C. However, the control performance will be reduced simultaneously. The experimental results also show that the shunt circuits are very sensitive to inductance tuning errors. The control performances of these shunt circuits may reduce significantly if the inductances are different with the optimal values.
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