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  • 发布时间:2014-03-26
大面积钢质表面预处理(如船舶表面除锈、大型储罐表面除漆等)专用的重载爬壁机器人设计,其技术关键是机器人的吸附效应,即吸附可靠、行走灵活。传统的爬壁机器人有两种吸附方式:真空吸盘式(其不适应重载)和磁吸式(其爬壁运行不灵活)。磁隙式爬壁机器人将真空吸盘式与磁吸式相结合,互补增强机器人的吸附效应,其磁隙结构即将磁履接触壁面吸附改为磁块单独安装不与壁面直接接触,通过调节其间隙改变磁隙效应。该机器人质量75kg,且要重载几十米长的超高压软管和真空管,作业时管内充满水,专用于船舶表面自动化除锈等作业,实现了钢质表面用水作业,即除即干不返锈的目标。介绍爬壁机器人的设计原理、受力分析、磁隙效应和工业试验。应用表明磁隙式爬壁机器人满足了重载作业、灵活行进、吸附可靠的诸项要求。 The core technology of heavy-duty attaching robot,applied in large scale steel surface preparation(ships surface rust removal,large storage tank surface paint removal),is the attaching effect which means attach reliably and move neatly.The traditional attaching robot has two kinds of attaching modes: vacuum sucker mode(invalid for heavy-duty) and magnet crawler mode(inflexible move).The magnetic gap adhesion typed crawler combines two kinds of attaching modes to enhance the attaching ability of robot.The magnet gap mode will separate the magnet from the crawler,and the magnet is installed separately which dose not contact the surface,and the attaching ability can be adjusted though changing the gap.The magnetic gap adhesion typed crawler's own weight is about 75 kg,and carries dozens meters of ultra-high pressure hoses and vacuum pipes which will be filled with water during work.It is applied in ships surface rust automatic removal and achieves water jet rust removal of steel surface and no re-rust.The design principle,stress analysis,magnet gap effect and industry test are introduced.The application shows that the magnet gap mode attaching robot can achieve heavy-duty work,move neatly,reliable attaching and other requests.
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