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  • 发布时间:2014-03-26


为准确模拟人体髋关节受力情况,选用3SPS1PS少自由度并联机构作为髋关节仿生试验机的核心部分。应用UG软件实现并联式髋关节仿生试验机的虚拟设计和虚拟装配,然后根据正常人体髋关节运动学及动力学特性,在ADAMS软件中进行运动学和动力学仿真。通过仿真曲线可准确获得试验机位移、作用力等信息,为试验机的成功设计提供参考数据。该方法不需要大量的数学计算,快捷、方便、准确。 In order to simulate the major forces of human hip joint, 3 SPS1PS parallel mechanism is selected as the core of parallel test mechanism for hip joint. The virtual design and virtual assembly of the bionic parallel test mechanism were implemented with UG. According to the bionic feature of kinematic and dynamic characteristics of normal human hip, kinematic and dynamic simulation can be run in ADAMS. Then the information about displacements and contact forces of the test machine can be gotten from the simulation cures, and it provides reference dates for the successful design of test machine. This is a fast, convenient and exact method without too much calculating.

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