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  • 发布时间:2017-03-10



Hydraulic cylinder will be able to provide the hydraulic-mechanical energy conversion device called actuators. Work is a direct implementation of components, from the point of view of energy conversion; it is the role of the hydraulic pump opposite. According to energy conversion in the form of implementation of the three components can be divided into two categories: hydraulic motors, hydraulic cylinders, hydraulic motors and swing, which may also be said swing hydraulic cylinder. Hydraulic motor is the continuous torque and rotational movement of the hydraulic actuators, and hydraulic cylinder is a reciprocating linear motion and the output of the hydraulic components. And this statement is the hydraulic cylinders for the working environment and job requirements of hydraulic cylinders to determine the pressure and work load, to determine the cylinder diameter, thickness and diameter of the rod. According to the hydraulic cylinder parts of the job requirements identified parts of the process, according to parts of the accuracy of determining parts processing methods, and generate process card, complete the processing parts.
Keyword: hydraulic cylinder, mechanical energy, torque, the implementation of components

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