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升降横移式立体车库毕业设计说明书摘 要


Stereo garage is the storage which is used for automatic parking and scientific storage of kinds of automobile. As the quantity of urban automobile has increased continuously in nowadays, the hard-to-Park Problem has become a common phenomenon. Mechanical stereo garage can use land resource sufficiently and bring space advantage into play, and maximize the number of parking cars. It has become an important way for static traffic problem of cities. The issue studies the type mechanical parking system which named up-down and translation stereo garage, and regards of the two factors of cost of manufacture and operational efficiency synthetically.
On the basis of investigation on current situation and developing trend of garage in domestic and abroad, we choose four-layer and seven-formulistic garage structure as the research model. According to the form of the dragging-forms of multi player up-down and translation ear-base, it is made of three parts: part of ear-base structure、part of driving-framework and part of control system. The paper simply introduces main structure and characteristics of garage and also gives a short introduction to its control system. The finite element reliability checking of steel structure of garage is utilized according to the operation principle of up-down and translation stereo garage, the mechanics was used to comprehensively analyze the up-down and translation stereo garage. Including intension of the framework structure and axes, etc. In order to satisfy using demand in design stereo garage, according to criterion of mechanical parking systems-general safety requirement and the facts of the up-down and translation stereo garage the Paper introduced some safety technique which was used in the up-down and translation stereo garage. This can ensure absolute safety for Car and make the whole stereo garage safety and running smooth.

Keywords:Stereo garage, Control system, PLC, Steel structure .

前言 1
第1章 绪论 2
1.1 机械停车库的产品特点及优势 2
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1 国外研究现状 2
1.2.2 国内研究现状 3
1.2.3 主要发展趋势 4
1.3 立体车库的分类及特点 4
1.4 升降横移式立体车库简介 6
1.4.1 立体车库工作原理 6
1.4.2 立体车库机械部分部件结构和功能 7
1.5 升降横移式立体停车库的优越性 9
1.6 设计原始资料 10
第2章 传动系统设计 11
2.1 电动机的选择 11
2.1.1 升降运动电机的选择 11
2.1.2 横移运动电机的选择 11
2.2 减速器的选择 12
2.2.1 升降系统减速器的选择及计算 12
2.2.2 横移系统减速器的选择及计算 16
2.3 其他传动部件的计算 25
2.3.1 轴的计算与校核 25
2.3.2 载车板提升链校核 27
2.3.3 键的选择和校核: 28
2.3.4 联轴器的选择 30
第3章 立体车库结构设计 31
3.1 概述 31
3.1.1 结构设计的重要性 31
3.1.2 机构体系选择 31
3.1.3 结构尺寸确定 32
3.1.4 立体车库受力情况分析 32
3.2 立体车库钢结构分析设计与校核 33
3.2.1 导轨支撑梁的设计与校核 33
3.2.2 立柱的设计与校核 35
3.2.3 托架横梁设计与校核 37
3.2.4 托架纵梁设计与校核 39
3.3 安全防护机构的设计 39
第4章 连接设计 40
4.1 钢结构的连接种类和特点 40
4.1.1 钢结构的连接方法 40
4.1.2 焊接连接的特点 40
4.1.3 螺栓连接的特点 40
4.1.4 铆钉连接的特点 40
4.2 纵梁与柱的连接设计 40
4.2.1 搭接板与柱的焊接连接设计 40
4.2.2 搭接板与悬伸支撑托座(牛腿)的焊接连接设计 42
4.2.3 纵梁与悬伸支撑托座(牛腿)的螺栓连接设计 44
4.3 柱与柱的拼接连接设计 45
4.4 纵梁与纵梁的拼接连接设计 45
4.4.1 梁的拼接分析 45
4.4.2 螺栓的选用及验算 45
4.5 横梁与柱的连接设计 46
4.5.1 46
4.5.1 设计条件 47
4.5.2 柱与搭接板1的焊缝计算 47
4.5.3 横梁与搭接板2的焊缝计算 47
4.5.4 搭接板1与搭接板2的螺栓连接设计 48
4.6 柱脚设计 48
4.6.1 设计条件 48
4.6.2 柱脚底板尺寸确定 48
4.6.3 底板下混凝土受最大压应力校核 48
4.6.4 锚栓强度校核 50
4.6.5 柱脚底板厚度计算 50
4.6.6 锚栓支承加劲肋的计算 51
4.6.7 柱与底板的焊接设计 51
4.6.8 加强筋与底板的焊接设计 51
第5章 屋盖设计 52
5.1 屋架设计 52
5.1.1 设计条件 52
5.1.2 屋架形式及几何尺寸确定 52
5.1.3 杆件的设计 52
5.1.4 节点计算 56
5.2 檩条设计 59
5.2.1 设计条件 59
5.2.2 初沿面 59
5.2.3 载荷计算 60
5.2.4 内力计算 61
5.2.5 强度验算 61
5.2.6 刚度验算 62
5.2.7 檩条与屋架连接设计 62
5.3 屋面设计 63
5.3.1 设计条件 63
5.3.2 初沿面 63
5.3.3 压型钢板与檩条的连接设计 63
第6章 结论与展望 65
6.1 结论 65
6.2 展望 65
参考文献 67

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