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  • 发布时间:2012-12-26





The electroplating automatic production line to control system design to study, with its specialized operations to control traffic. the electroplating technology and control of the claim was analysed and the theory of the research methods, design a web based on the plc electroplated impression of the special traffic control system; The system for mitsubishi fx2n - 64mr -001 kind of the plc to control, the output signal of the plc contacts with some action to control motor three asynchronous operation, the level of the motion and the hook vertical motions of the operations, rising and falling, the motion and the hook to the right stop. in programming, to facilitate the adjustment of equipment and design a manual procedures for the implementation and hook at the control, the automatic control of the design, it is typical of the order of control and use the step into the instructions to the very good with the controls. Through software simulations can see that the system of the electroplating technology and control, you can easily finish automatic and manual switch between that of the plc control system for the adaptable.

Key words:the electroplating ;programmable logic control;terraced figure
目 录

1 绪 论3
1.1 电镀生产线简介3
1.2 电镀车间行车专用PLC控制系统设计内容3
1.2.1 设备基本情况3
1.2.2 拖动系统4
1.3 电镀车间行车专用PLC控制系统设计要求4
1.4 可编程控制器简述4
2 控制系统总体方案及系统硬件设计5
2.1 电镀车间专用行车PLC控制系统方案选择5
2.1.1 拖动方案5
2.1.2 槽位选择方案5
2.1.3 信号检测装置选择5
2.1.4 指示显示方案5
2.2 电镀车间专用行车PLC控制系统主电路5
2.3 保护方案选择6
2.4 抗电源干扰措施6
2.5 控制系统的接地设计6
3 控制系统软件设计8
3.1 控制系统动作流程框图8
3.2 系统控制流程图8
3.3 PLC选型9
3.4 I/O点分配10
4 测试调试13
5 参考文献15
致 谢16

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