

  • 该文件为doc格式
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  • 发布时间:2013-03-16



Shearer traction in this paper is the new Department of the overall design of brochures. Design of a large number of products through reference information and guidance to the guidance of teachers, analysis of typical Shearer in the past, thick seam mining in the hydraulic part of the existing problems, and use various methods to improve balance many important parameters of the traction will eventually be ground Hydraulic devices powered gear running on the track in the basic form, Shearer will walk a straight line movement of very stable.
This article is about the overall design of the Department of traction, as well as the design of walking box, walking on the main shaft, gears and bearings, such as the selection and selection and improvement measures, Power Traction and walking mechanism is mainly confirmed. Traction is also available on the Department of the overall transmission ratio of the transmission system of calculation. Finally, the Department of traction for the production and use of the practical problems encountered in the settlement of the issue and mentioned a number of requests and suggestions to help users better use of machinery. Design Manual difficult to express in the local also has drawings to illustrate..
Keywords: Shearer; traction Department; walking mechnism; traction;

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