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第 3卷 第 2期2013年 3月汽车工程学报Chinese Journal of Automotive EngineeringVlo1.3 NO.2Mar.2013汽车冷却水泵叶轮多参数对其外特性影响分析张婷婷,袁寿其,刘建瑞,张金凤,裴 冰(江苏大学 流体机械工程技术研究中心,江苏,镇江 212013)摘 要:针对比转速 ns59的汽车冷却水泵,选择对性能影响较大的叶轮的 6个水力参数 、b 、D 、Z、D。、 ,并添加了-个附加的辅助因素 e,选取两个水平,设计了 L (2 )7因素 2水平的正交表,即8个叶轮设计方案~泵内部流体划分为进口、叶轮以及泵体和出口 3个区域,运用 ICEM软件对 8个方案的三部分水体分别划分网格,并通过 ANSYS-CFX12.1软件分别对 8个方案水泵的全流厨行定常数值模拟,得出8个方案的外特性曲线,以及4个方案在设计流量点处中截面上的静压分布图,找出了8个叶轮方案中性能最优的两个。分析得到了因素水平和因素对性能指标的影响主次顺序,得出了叶轮水力参数的最佳组合方案♂果表明采用 k(2)正交表可以简化参数对水泵性能影响的研究方法,再由计算流体动力学 (Computational Fluid Dynamics,CFD)技术确定水力参数,在此基础上进行模型制造和外特性试验,可缩短产品研发周期,提高工作效率。

关键词:汽车冷却水泵;叶轮水力参数; (2 7).因素水平;计算流体动力学 (CFD)中图分类号:TH3 1 1 文献标识码:A DOI:1 0.3969/j.issn.2095-1 469.20 1 3.02.04Impact of Impeller Parameters on Performance ofan Automobile Cooling PumpZhang Tingting,Yuan Shouqi,LiuJianrui, ZhangJinfeng,Pei Bing(Research Center of Fluid Machinery Engineering and Technology,Jiangsu University,Zhenjiang 212013,Jiangsu,China)Abstract:This paper listed six impeller hydraulic parameters which may have efects on the performanceof an automobile cooling pump with the specific speed ns59.Two levels were chosen with another auxiliaryfactor e added to the factors.According to the orthogonal table L8(2,)I eight kinds of impelers weredesigned.The water in the pump was divided into three parts which are inlet,impeller and volute with outletand mesh was generated by ICEM software.The steady flow of the eight kinds of pumps was studied bynumerical simulation using ANSYS-CFX 1 2.1 and the external characteristic curves were obtained.Pressuredistributions in cross section at the design flow points for four pumps were calculated and the best two of theeight pumps were found.The order of influencing factors on performance and factor levels were analyzed,andthe best combination of the parameters was obtained.The result shows that using orthogonal table L8(2 )can simplify the analysis of the influencing parameters on performance.After the hydraulic parameters aredetermined by CFD,the model manufacturing and external characteristic test will shorten the developmentperiod and improve work eficiency。

Key words:automobile cooling pump;impeler hydraulic parameters;L8(2 factor levels;computational fluiddynamics(CFD)收稿日期:2012-11-26基金项目:国家杰出青年科学基金 (50825902)

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