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Mathematical Simulation and Analysis of Internal Flow Fieldin the Slide-Shuttle ValveYANG Guo-ping,XU Xiao-jian,LIANG Cui-ping(Automotive Engineering College,Shanghai University ofEngineering Science,Shanghai 201620,China)Abstract:It established the geometry model of the intpactors pipe and the shutle ualve by using the software of AutoCAD伽d CATIA;then used the processing software GAMBIT to have a grid.By using the FLUENT softhe CFD analysis software,the owfield in two-dimensiond and three-dimensional model ofthe slide reversing valve u1clssimulatedby using the Finite-Element method.A nd the computing resuhs were given in the form ofvisualized pictures.basedon these results,the relations between the fluid velocity,streamline,vortex andfluid energy loss were analyzed,and guidedto make internal structure of the valve beter.The simplifed two-dimensional mode1 makes it a large etroy between aquantitative andysis oJ the flow field and the reality.There a certain reference value in the qualitative analysis,while theanalysis ofthree-dimensionalflowfield has some guiding sigucance,no mater in terms ofquantitative or qualitative cav)eet。

Key W ords:Mathematical Simulation;Flow Field;Slide Valve1研究的几何模型以及边界条件1.1几何模型滑阀式换向 主要由阀箱、阀芯 、阀盖三部分组成;包含四个腔道,分别是信号孑L、回油孔、高压腔和变压腔。滑阀式换向阀的结构示意图,如罔 1所示。

信号孔 同油孔 高压腔 变压腔图 1滑阀式换向阀的结构示意图Fig.I The Structure Diagram of Slide-Shuttle Valve1.2边界条件和计算条件件为:人 处给定速度边界条件,速度为平均速度;出口处定义自由出口。其他位置均按无滑移同壁边粹处理,流体与鼙面接触的边界为静止壁而。在计算过程中对流体流动状态进行 如下设置:流体为不可压缩、牛顿流体;流动状态为湍流,采用标准 k-e湍流模型;阀芯直径为38ram。

2二维模型的CFD分析2.1二维模型的数值模拟鉴于阀口的二维模型比较简单,在 GAMBIT中完成可以精确地建模,然后再进行网格划分。

(1)流趋为 50I/min,阀芯开口度不同的条件下进午亍仿真开口度为 1mil、5ram、7mm时换向阀节流口处的流翅构,如 2~圈 10所示 。

假定不考虑换向阀的泄露,进行流体数值计算时的边界条 阀口开度为 hum来稿日期:2012-04-l2作者简介:杨国平,(1962-),男,湖南芷江,工学博士,教授,主要研究 向:r程车辆电液控制技术

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