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The sizing optimization and experiment of the structure ofcap and pin insulatorS pinLi Qiang,Zhou Zhaoyu,Yan Hongbo,Gao Junfeng(1 School of Mechanical Engineering,Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology,Baotou 014010,Neimenggu,China)Abstract:The optimization of the cap and pin insulatorS pin is of great signifcance for reducing the project cost of hJgh voltagetransmission lines;the insulatorS pin head was optimized by the finite element analysis software ANSYS,trialed the pin based onoptimization results,and with plastic insulator electrical and tensile failure load experiment to verify the feasibility of optimizationresults;by the optimization,the pin head size has been reduced,the optimized pin cal save steel 25.12g,electrical and mechani-cal destruction of the load experiment further proved the feasibility of the optimization results。

Key words:insulator;optimization;finite element analysis;pin;experimentO 引言随着城乡电网建设和改造、西电东送、铁路工程、三峡工程以及特高压联网工程的建设 ,绝缘子的需求量不断加大,在国内已经供不应求。线路绝缘子中常用的有瓷绝缘子、玻璃绝缘子和复合绝缘子三大类,它们都有-个共同的趋势,即更高机械强度的研制。

内蒙古自然科学基金项 目(2010MS0719)随着机械强度等级的提高,绝缘子的整体尺寸也会随之增加。优化绝缘子各部分的形状,-方面可以降低它的最大应力值,改善局部应力集中情况;另-方面对于降低高压输电线路的工程造价,提高悬式绝缘子的出口竞争能力具有重要的意义。

盘形悬式绝缘子的结构如图 1所示,盘形悬式绝缘子是由铁帽 1、绝缘件 2(瓷件或玻璃件)和钢脚 3optimization[J].Archive of Applied Mechanics,1999(69):635-654。

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[1O] 徐宏兵,葛如海,王怀.大客车车身骨架轻量化改进设计[J].江苏大学学报:自然科学版,2002,4(6):25-28。

1 26作者简介 :孔祥兵,硕士研究生,主要研究方向为机械结构设计和结构优化 。


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