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Faulty Rotor System Vibration Acceleration Signal Integration MethodBased on Precise Information ReconstructionWEN Guangrui LI Yang LIAO Yuhe -2 HE Qing(1.Shaanxi Province Key Laboratory of Mechanical Product Quality Assurance and Diagnostics,Xian Jiaotong University,Xian 710049;2.Xian Shaangu Power Co.,Ltd.,Xian 7 1 0075)Abstract:A faulty rotor system vibration acceleration signal integration method based on precise information reconstruction iSproposed in this paper by summarizing the advantages and disadvantages of curent integration method both in time domain andfrequency domain.This method utilizes the characteristic structure of the faulty rotor system vibration signa1.which is mainlycomposed ofthe rotational frequency an d its superharmonic and/or subharmonic frequency components.The fast Fourier tran sform isperform ed to the acceleration sign al to get its spectrum,then the characteristic frequency components are searched.Comparing theamplitudes of all the extracted components with a threshold set by SNR.The components,whose amplitudes are below the tireshold,will be considered as noise components and will be discarded and only those whose amplitudes are above the threshold wil bereserved.The high-accuracy spectmm correction is then made m those components reserved to get the precise information,including frequency,amplitude and phase information.needed for the integration and signal reconstruction.The velocity signal anddisplacement sign al are therefore reconstructed with the precise inform ation of all the reserved components.Precise Inform ationReconstruction is excelent at removmg the broadband noise.The reliability and efectiveness of the proposed method are testified bythe simulation analysis and the application examples。

Key words: Fast Fourier transforln Threshold Spectrum corection Precise information reconstruction Error evaluation0 前言机械振动测量中,涉及振动加速度、速度和位高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(20120201 120043)、国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划,2012AA040913)和国家自然科学###(51005179)资助项目 20130105收到初稿,20130226收到修改稿移三个参量。从实施的角度看,振动速度和位移的测量容易受到环境或传感器安装条件的限制,无法直接测量,而加速度传感器因其体积孝重量轻、安装方便得到了更为广泛的应用。但是在机械系统的运行状态评估或振动控制系统设计过程中往往需要振动速度和位移信息。因此在很多工程实际中就2 机 械 工 程 学 报 第49卷第8期涉及对加速度信号积分问题,即将加速度信号经积分转换为速度和位移信号。这个过程可以通过硬件或软件积分来实现。其中硬件积分不但对积分器性能要求高,而

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