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Dynamic loading estimation problem with structural model errorsMAO Yu-ming,CHEN Jian,LIU Jing-hua,DI Wen-bin(Shanghai Key Laboratory of Spacecraft Mechanisms,Shanghai Institute of Aerospace System and Engineering,Shanghai 201 108,China)Abstract: When dynamic loading estimation techniques are applied to a real engineering,the estimation results areaffected not only by the white noise in measured responses,but also by the diference between the numerical simulationmodel and the real engineering mode1. A dynamic loading estimation model considering errors associated with themeasured responses and the structural model was established in time domain,and a regularization technique based on atotal least square method was used to solve this dynamic loading estimation mode1. Numerical simulation resultsdemonstrated that under certain conditions,this method can reduce the effects of these errors。

Key words:dynamic loading identification;structural dynamics;inverse problem;total least square method动载荷反演分析技术起源于上个世纪 7O年代的航空领域,当时复合材料应用于实际工程,为准确掌握工程结构在运行过程中复合材料的受力情况,提出了动载荷反演的概念,即通过测量结构的部分响应数据和结构模型,来重构结构所受的动态载荷;它属于结构动力学中的第二类反问题,具有广泛的工程应用背景和理论研究价值。

多年来,许多学者 致力于动载荷反演问题研究,并取得了丰硕的成果,主要有频域法和时域法两种求解方式。频域求解面临在结构共振频率附近矩阵病态的问题 ,这-问题在后续的研究中基本得到解决 ,但在频域内无法或很难实现在线实时反演,同时频域反演对非线性系统、以及瞬态冲击类型的载荷反演有-定的局限。后来动载荷反演问题逐渐转向时域研究 -10],Genaro等 提出了加权加速度加权求和技术(SWAT)来反演输入动态载荷,该方法的局限是得到的结果是作用于 自由系统质心处的合力,后来 Gen-基金项 日: 家 自然科学基金资助项目(11102115);国

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