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  • 发布时间:2014-11-06


Abstract:The theory of inventive problem solving(TRIZ)is applied to design the drive system of new-type verticalrotation stereo garage.Certain contradiction and problems during the design are described using the universal technical char-acteristic parameters in TRIZ theory.According to their features,the contradictions existing in the drive system of such gar-age are classifed into the teehmcal contradiction and physical contradiction and standardized by the contradiction matrix andseparation principle,to find out corresponding solutions.In the end,the design scheme of the drive system suitable forsuch vertical rotation stereo garage is provided based on the invention theory and actual engineering experiences。

Keywords:TRIZ;stereo garage;drive system;technical contradiction;physical contradiction近年来我国汽车保有量增长迅速,截止 2011年底 ,已达 1.06亿辆 ,停车难问题逐渐突显出来。

现有立体车库种类繁多,功能全 ,但 由于其机构复杂,在我国人 口密度大的发达城市,仍存在存取车时间长、停取车不方便等不足,传统的设计方法已经难 以满足新产品开发的技术需求,因此,急需-种创新方法实现立体车库的创新设计。起源 于前 苏 联 的发 明 问题 解 决 理 论 J(TRIZ)包含了7类发明问题解决工具,可以有效用于技术创新和发明问题的解决。山东建筑大学TRIZ研究所基于 TRIZ理论设计了-种半地上半地下的组装式垂直旋转式新型立体车库 J,本文运用冲突解决原理对该立体车库的驱动系统进行创新设计。

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