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中图分类号:TH12,U463.33 文献标识码:A DOh 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1469.2013.02.05Design and Test of a Hydro-Pneumatic Suspension withAaj ustable Stiffness and DampingZhang Junwei,Chen Sizhong,Wu Zhicheng,Yang Lin(Vehicle Laboratory of Beijing Institute of Technology,Beijing 100081,China)Abstract:A hydro-pneumatic suspension with adjustable stifness and damping was designed for a highmobility of-road vehicle.The structure and working principles were introduced.The complex nonlinearmathematical models of stifness and damping were built up,and the model of damping valve was developedmainly.The adjustment principles of stifness and damping were described.The conversion between twostifness step was achieved when the oil pressure reached a certain value.Three-step damping was available to beadjusted by controling the on/of solenoid valve.The characteristics of adjustable stifness and damping wereverifed by the bench test.The simulation results of damping force agree with the bench test data,which showsthe correctness of the mathematical model of damping valve。

Key words:hydro-pneumatic suspension;adjustable stifnes:adjustable damping;damping valve:bench test油气悬架产生至今已有几十年的历史,它以优越的非线性特性和减振性能满足了多种车辆的要求 ,使它们的平顺性和操作安全性得到了较大的提高n 。


鉴于此,人们希望能够发明-种悬架,其参数可在油气悬架虽在-定程度上可以提升车辆的诸多 汽车行驶时实时调节,以保证始终能够提供最优的性能,但影响车辆行驶平顺性和操纵稳定性的弹度和阻尼参数不能随外部状态的变化而相应改变,而收稿日期:2012-12-04基金项目:总装备部 十-五”基金项目 (40407030104)悬架性能。半主动悬架是-种只需要很少能量就可实现刚度和阻尼可调的悬架形式,它的性能可接近

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