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Traj ectory Planning with Obstacles Considered for Aerial Work PlatformBased on Heuristic Path-searchingTENG Rumin HE Hao XIANG Hui GAO Shunde(1.School of Mechanical Engineering,Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 1 1 6024;2.Dalian YILIYA Construction Machinery Co.,Ltd.,Dalian 1 16025)Abstract:Large-scale aerial work platform(AWP)truck is a special equipment used for rescuing and firefighting for high buildings。

To solve the trajectory planning problem for AWP with multi-joint in motion,a collision avoidance method is proposed based onheuristic path-searching in the lufing plane containing obstacles.The boom system with multi-degree-of-freedom is modeledparametrically in accordance with the real structure,and the D-H(Denavit-Hartenberg)parameters and homogeneous transformationmatrix are listed.Then the collision condition for the booms an d the enveloping circle is an alyzed based on the simplifed model ofthe obstacle.The path is searched in the 4-dimensional configuration space by using heuristic A algorithm in Matlab program。

Numerical simulation result of PTP shows that the booms avoided the obstacle successfuly.Finally the appraisal function of the pathsearching for booms of AWP which comprises both prismatic and revolute joints is researched,and the optimal trajectory whichcoains minimum nodes and costs minimum time is acquired。

Key words:A-star algorithm Colision avoidance Aerial work platform truck Appraisal function design0 前言大型高空作业车(图1)是用于高层建筑救援、消防的起重举升专用设备。由于作业环境的多样与复杂,实际工作中在高空作业车的作业区间内可能存在障碍(如高压电线、建筑物突出部分)。通过对关国家科技支撑计划资助项H(2011BAK03B09)。20120614收到初稿20121205收到修改稿节空间内的臂架组合动作进行合理的轨迹规划,可以实现臂架由给定初始位姿到确定的末端位姿之间的运动,同时保证越过障碍、姿态平滑稳定等性能要求。

高空作业车的避障问题属于冗余 自由度机械臂的避障运动学规划,核心任务是找寻运动过程中能保证所有臂架不会发生碰撞的各运动关节轨迹。

由于冗余 自由度系统的雅可比矩阵都是长方形矩阵,没有常规逆解。常规的冗余自由度机械臂系统

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