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汽车防抱制动系统微机测试系统Microcomputer Measuring System for Anti- lock Brake System
Zhang Jinlo ngZhao Fusheng
( N anj ing N ormal Univer sity )
A microcomputer measur ing sy stem for ant i- lock brake sy stem has been presented, w hich
uses an indust rial contr ol computer as cent ral cont rol unit and uses Visual Basic as sof tw ar e de-
veloping plat form. It can in real t ime measure, reco rd, display and store datum and w aveform of
ant i- lock brake sy stem of automo biles, such as, t ransducers, actuato rs and ECU etc. T he sy stem
can analyze the sampling datum to get such main parameter s of the ABS as the braking state, the
br aking time, the locking t ime, the w heel slip and the angular accelerat ion o f the w heel . A series
of anti- interference step in the hardw are and so ftw are of the dev ice ef fectiv ely improve measuring
accuracy and reliability of the device. T he pr act ical testing result o bject ively indicates the actual
co ndi t ion o f the tested ABS.
Key wordsVehicles, Ant i- lock br ake system, Measur ing sy stem, Design
常规仪器很难测试汽车防抱制动系统( ABS)的
技术性能和诊断故障, 而国内对汽车防抱制动系统
进行测试的研究还很少[ 1~3]
智能测试仪, 以工业控制计算机为主控单元, 以Vi-
sual Basic为开发平台,采用虚拟技术,能实时采集、
存储和显示防抱制动系统各种传感器、 执行器、 电子
控制单元( ECU )的数据及波形,并通过对采集的数
据、 波形进行分析、 处理, 正确、 迅速测试出 ABS 的
汽车防抱制动系统测试仪是由传感器、 信号调
理、 数据采集和软件处理构成的完整虚拟仪器测试
系统, 硬件框图如图1 所示。 考虑到发动机现场工作
的恶劣环境以及系统对可靠性的要求,采用ISA 总
为研华IPC 610 工控机, 计算机主板内置工业级
CPU 卡, 选用性能好、 可靠性高的数据采集板卡
PCL 818HD。工控机配备的数据采集卡提供了16
路单端或8 差分模拟输入通道, 16 路数字输出通

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