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  • 发布时间:2013-03-27


大型振动筛的动态设计理论与应用 The reliability is a key factor for the design and manufacture of large vibrating screen. In the paper, we presented a new large
vibrating screen with hyperstatic net-beam structure. Dynamic characteristic of the vibrating screen was researched and dynamic
simulation method of large screening machines was explored. We used finite element method (FEM) to analyze dynamic
characteristic of large vibrating screen with hyperstatic net-beam structure. Multi natural frequency, natural modes of vibration
and dynamic response of the vibrating screen were calculated. The structural size of stiffeners on the side plate was optimized
under multiple frequencies constraints and an adaptive optimization criterion was given. The results show that the vibrating
screens structural strength is increased and the natural frequency of bending deformation is enhanced. The modal frequencies are
far from working frequency, and thus the structure is able to avoid resonance effectively and reduce the destructiveness. The
maximum transverse displacement of the vibrating screen is 0.13 mm, the maximum difference in vibration amplitude of
corresponding points is 0.44mm and the maximum dynamic stress is 16.63MPa. The structural optimization shows that the mass
of the side plate is decreased by 194.50kg, the second and third modal frequency is increased by 1.73% and 2.91% respectively
and a better optimal effect is received.

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