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  • 发布时间:2014-03-10
The present situation of the research and application of the silver-typed inorganic antibacterial mate- rials are reviewed. Two kinds of inorganic antibacterial materials of nano-silver and load-silver are introduced, such as their types, preparation methods, antibacterial mechanism and application etc. The preparation of the nano-silver ma- terials mainly includes physical, chemical and biological method. According to the different carriers, the type of the load-silver antibacterial materials includes zeolite, montmorillonite, soluble glass, hydroxyl apatite and phosphate load-silver material etc. Although silver series inorganic antibacterial materials have been applied in medical supplies, ceramics, plastics, coating and other products, the potential toxicity and biological safety should be further pay atten- tion to. At last, the problems and the prospect of silver series inorganic antibacterial materials are also discussed.系统论述了国内外银系无机抗菌材料的研究和应用现状,重点介绍了纳米银颗粒和载银型两类无机抗茵材料,包括它们的种类、制备方法、抗菌机理及其在各种制品中的应用等。纳米银无机抗茵材料制备方法主要有物理法、化学法和生物法,载银型无机抗茵材料根据载体不同分为沸石、蒙脱石、可溶性玻璃、羟基磷灰石和磷酸盐等类型。银系无机抗茵材料在医疗用品、陶瓷、塑料、涂料等制品上已得到大量应用,但其潜在毒性和生物安全性还有待进一步关注。最后提出了银系无机抗菌材料还需深入研究的问题和今后的发展前号。
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