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  • 发布时间:2014-03-14


A four-ball tester is used to evaluate the anti-wear property of lube oil under variable load and speed conditions, and a concept of anti-wear characteristic parameter R is proposed through analyzing parameters (load P and speed V) which cause the mutation of friction coefficient. The characteristic parameter R is related with the product of P× V at the mutation of friction coefficient for testing oil and reference oil, i.e. R is defined as the ratio of testing oil P×V to that of reference oil. Test results show that by introducing parameter R and using R to update PB and PD value, it is helpful to distinguish the difference in antiwear performance of lube oils from the same type.在变速变负荷条件下,采用四球试验机评定油品的抗磨性能,通过对引起油品摩擦系数突变的参数负荷(P)和转速(V)的研究,提出油品抗磨性特征参数(R)的概念。参数R定义为在变速变负荷条件下,油品摩擦系数出现突变时的P与V乘积与基准油摩擦系数出现突变时对应的P与V乘积的比值。试验结果表明,特征参数R的引入及通过R修正后的PB、PD值对同一类型油品抗磨性能的评定具有更好的区分性。

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