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The monitorability--based design theory was presented based on the condition monito ring and modern design technology herein. Theoretical system of the monitorability--based design was discussed from the system theory point of view. The connotation of the monitorability--based design theory was described by discussing the design contents, key factors and related technology fields. It concludes that the research contents of theoretical system of monitorability--based design can be di- vided into four aspects parallelly. These aspects include (1)study on the connotation of the monitor- ability--based design theory, (2)research on design methods of the monitorability--based design theo- ry, (3) investigation on allocation methods of the monitorability-- based design theory, and (4) assess- ment on the monitorability--based design. At last, marine power mechanical system was regarded as practical application study object of monitorability--based design theory. Monitorability of marine Dower mechanical system was considered in detail before its design.从状态监测技术和机械系统现代设计相结合的角度,提出了可监测性设计理论。在详细论述机械系统特点的基础上,给出了机械系统可监测性和可监测性设计的内涵;用系统和集成的观点对可监测性设计理论体系及其系统的组成进行了研究;在详细介绍可监测性设计内容及涉及的技术领域和关键因素的基础上,构建了可监测性设计系统理论框架。将可监测性设计理论体系的研究内容划分为4个方面:可监测性设计内涵的研究;可监测性设计方法研究;可监测性分配方法研究(监测点优化布置方法研究);可监测性设计评价方法研究。最后以典型的船舶动力机械系统为研究对象,从船舶设计之初就充分考虑系统的可监测性问题,进行了可监测性设计的工程化应用。

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