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  • 发布时间:2014-03-15


Matlabls commonly used in engineering mathematical analysis software.Its object oriented ( GUI)platform can be very easy to realize object oriented and visualization software design.In order to ac- complish the planar linkage mechanism motion performance simulation,the research solved real-time Posi- tion-Constraint equations to get motion trace, then a differential and interpolation method is used to get movement curve. Building model in the form of object-oriented form, it brings about the analysis and simu- lation of the commonly seen link mechanism's the motion characteristics.With the method the programming is easier to achieve,and the operation is simple and feasible ,and operation precision is high,and it can output AVI format animation,which can help designers simplify optimization model and improve the design effwiency.Matlab是工程中常用的数学分析软件,它的面向对象的(GUI)平台能非常容易的实现面向对象和可视化软件设计。为了实现对平面连杆机构运动性能仿真,依据实时求解位置约束方程组确定出连杆机构的运动的轨迹,再运用差分法和插值法获得运动曲线。以面向对象的形式搭建机构模型,实现了对常见的连杆机构的运动特性分析和仿真。这种方法编程容易实现,操作简单易行,运算精度高,并能输出AVI格式动画,对于设计者简化优化模型,提高设计效率具有很大帮助。

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